
PayPams – Student Cafeteria Purchases

All students wishing to purchase a la carte items in their school cafeteria must do so using the PayPams online system. Parents/guardians with a PayPams account can make payments and access information such as: account balances and view online report of daily spending and purchases. Refer to the PayPams flyers […]


Mobile Devices

ERG parents : if you are requesting a mobile device for your child make sure you complete these two steps. Step 1: purchase the insurance Step 2: sign the mobile device agreement Once that is complete, your child will receive the computer. Please allow a couple of days […]

Income Survey Check Box

Income Survey

For students who are not directly certified, households may complete an Income Survey Form to qualify for other benefits such as fee waivers or programs related to socioeconomic status. Click HERE to access survey. This link is also available in the Parent Portal and linked on the Food & Nutrition website


2023 Summer305

2023 Summer305 website is now live. Registration window opens on May 8th. For questions about any of the offered summer programs, please contact your child’s school.


Third Grade Promotion Requirements in ELA Webinars

We are pleased to inform you that Elementary English Language Arts (ELA) and Assessment, Research, and Data Analysis (ARDA), in collaboration with the M-DCPS Parent Academy, will conduct “Third Grade Promotion” webinars. The webinars aim to educate parents/guardians of third grade students regarding the promotion requirements in English Language Arts (ELA). […]

Computer Screen

2023 FDOE Annual ESE Parent Survey

Each year, the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) conducts a survey to collect information for the FDOE and the United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), regarding the quality of services and support provided by all school districts to parents of students with disabilities (SWD). The survey is open […]